Send out a scheduled digest email of news
Angela Gaida
This will be a configurable email containing all the recent news from a specified space/category/label combination to specified users. The time and frequency of the digest can also be configured.
This will be a new Linchpin app that works seamlessly together with Linchpin Enterprise News, but it can also be used in a "vanilla" Confluence instance.
Angela Gaida
If you are interested in this functionality, check out Linchpin News Digest on the Atlassian Marketplace: It will also be available around the middle of June 2019 as part of the Linchpin Suite ( in version 1.1 or later.
Angela Gaida
Oh, and by the way: It works best with Linchpin Enterprise News, but it's also possible to use it standalone on any Confluence Server instance. And it's DC approved as well :)
Angela Gaida
Angela Gaida
This is now available on the Atlassian Marketplace:
A Data Center approved version is already submitted to the marketplace, but we have to wait for the thumbs up from Atlassian to have it available for download.
Angela Gaida
in progress