Display Full Screen Graphics on Touch Screen
Jonas Krakow
Unfortunately, we (Marantec) currently have a shortcoming:
A graphic with an organization chart is displayed in Linchpin Touch.
Unfortunately, however, it cannot be enlarged, regardless of whether I use PNG, JPG or PDF.
I call up the graphic via a link in the right sidebar.
That means the org chart is always scaled down to the page size of Linchpin Touch.
Is there a possibility to display a graphic in full screen mode via Linchpin Touch? Maybe using a specific macro?
// Posted this request on behalf of Kay Dues from Marantec
Addition: While images and pdfs can be enlarged, they will always stay within the frame of Linchpin Touch. The solution here would be to add the option to tap on a picture and really have a full screen view of it. An overlay that comes to the front and uses as much screen space as possible, not showing the Linchpin Touch Sidebar, Footer etc.
Angela Gaida
Hi Kay Dues,
It was completed with “Complete”, which means we've finished implementing it:)
The corresponding suite release is currently in progress and is expected to be available early next week.
Kay Dues
Hello, what was the result of the Canny being closed? That is not shown here.
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Angela Gaida
Sorry, my bad Kay Dues
Jonas Krakow
Angela Gaida: Thanks Angela!
Angela Gaida
Thanks for explaining this issue further in the bug ticket and my apologies for not really understanding the problem at first.
I'm opening this ticket again so it can gather votes.
Kay Dues
Angela Gaida: The Canny is still shown to me as Closed.
Angela Gaida
Angela Gaida
Hey Jonas Krakow and Kay Dues,
I'm closing this issue since it sounds more like a bug or other problem, because pdf and image files do have usually the ability to be enlarged.
Please put this to our app support (seibert.biz/help), so the problem can be investigated, and I will watch for the ticket and jump in to help there as soon as you opened it. It would be helpful if you added screenshots of the touch view and of the configuration settings.
Thanks :)
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