Compatibility with Confluence 8
This release ensures compatibility of all included apps with Confluence 8. Compatibility with previous versions of Confluence is of course still a given.
Confluence 8 introduces a number of breaking changes. Those are ultimately a good thing, since they modernize some of the technical pillars Confluence rests on. At the same time, this meant a lot of work for everyone creating Confluence apps like the Linchpin apps to ensure compatibility with Confluence 8 and 7.x at the same time.
Please make sure that, before you upgrade to Confluence 8, all your apps are compatible with it.
Since the changes are so fundamental, a non compatible app might very well break completely if you try to use it with Confluence 8. Also, please make sure to
test everything thoroughly
in a test environment, before deploying Confluence 8 to your prod system.
If you still run on Confluence 7.x, you should be able to install this version with no worries. However, we still recommend testing it in a test environment before deploying to your prod system.