Export events to other systems via iCal URL (was: "Team Calendars for Confluence" Integration)
Johannes Stadler
It would be very helpful if events can be automatically added and synchronized with a team calendar (e.g. search for a calendar in a dropdown in the event macro). Currently a user must export each single event as an ICS file and reimport each single event as a whole new calendar. Changes to the event are of course not synchronized.
Angela Gaida
I have merged in two more requests, all of which will have the same solution: Linchpin Events needs to have a URL in iCal format that can then be used in other systems like Team Calendars, your personal Google or Outlook calendar or others.
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
Export multiple events to a single ICS file
Johannes Stadler
Currently, each event has to be exported individually and importing the file creates a separate calendar in Outlook or Team Calendars for each event. It would be useful to have an export button in the "Event Calendar" or "Event List" macros that exports all events within that calendar/list to a single calendar ICS file.
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
Possibility to create RSS feed with Linchpin events
Marlene Sonntag
We need the possibility to create an RSS feed with Linchpin events (date, place and ideally image) to provide this data to other systems, such as a digital signage solution.
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
Pull all events into a team calendar
Eimear Bruen
I want to sync all events on a space with a team calendar, so that users can subscribe to that calendar and view all events in Outlook/iCal
Enrico Skottnik
Is there a plan to integrate events into the team calendar for Confluence DC? This is the favorite option.
Peter Scheidt
Now that "Team Calendar" is part of Data Center, this is even more pressing to secure the place for Events that they deserve.
Misha Thornburgh
I'm revisiting this as we're considering just disabling Linchpin Events, because it's fallen out of use almost completely during our first year. Teams definitely prefer Team Calendars, which can be linked to Google Calendars, and without integration between the two the only thing left stopping us is the nice display of Events. I don't think it will save us much longer, and was wondering if there's any hope something like this will happen, or planned improvements that would make this easier for event managers to use?
GRRR oby
I like it a lot but how would be a subscription for external calendar. For example I have a subscription for my favorite soccer team and it updates automatically my calendar when games are scheduled.
Martin Seibert
I an unsure if Linchpin Events is more of a competition than and addition to Team Calendars. There is overlap bit also significant differences. I dislike that Team Calendar is very expensive.
John Huetz
Martin Seibert: I'd prefer one calendar add-on vs. two; it's a support challenge for us. Also, we deal with explaining the differences between Linchpin Events and Google shared calendars non-stop. Give us a Linchpin Events add-on that layers on top of Team Calendars (or replaces it) and works nicely with Google Calendar and we'll be the first to download it :)
Misha Thornburgh
John Huetz: Agreed, we'd love to be able to do away with Team Calendars, but currently Linchpin Events does not have half the functionality that Team Calendars does. :(