Better news feeds
Matthias Lutz
I'd like to suggest another feature: mark unread news in the macros with a different font, e.g. bold as in several email clients for unread mails.
Svenja Lorenzen
The last bulletpoint "sections by category" is the one I'm interested in the most. When creating a dashboard I want to be able to split the news to have different sections and different ways of how the information is displayed.
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
Macro to display most viewed blogposts (and/or pages)
Oliver Lautenbacher
As an editor, I want to add a macro that displays the most viewed blogposts/news of (a) space(s)
As a reader, I want to see a list of the most viewed blogposts (and/or pages) of (a) specific space(s)
Oliver Lautenbacher
Hello Christina. Thank you for your reply.
We would like to have a possibility to display "most viewed" blog-posts of one (or more) space(s) on a single page / blogpost with a user macro.
As an editor, I would like to add a macro on a blogpost or a page that displays the most viewed blogposts of a specific space (or from the space itself where the page / blogpost was/is published).
Inside the macro it would be helpful to have configurable options like "spaces", "time range", "order", "number of displayed blogposts", check-boxes for display-options of "title", "author", "date", etc.)
I hope this explanation is somehow helpful for you.
I could try to create and add a "mockup" as well if it helps :-)
Christina Wotschel
Hello Oliver! Thank you for sharing your idea with us! Could you describe a little bit more what you would like to achieve with that macro? Is it because f.e. as a reader you would like to see what pages are the most popular therefore most important?
Oliver Lautenbacher
Maybe interesting for a further improvement with the ViewTracker team? :-)
Andreas van Rienen
Angela Gaida: I very much like this idea to extend the functionality of the available news macros. In fact, we would love to use the functionality provided by the News Center as its own macro, i.e. include either of the two view modes of the News Center on selected Confluence pages via a macro. The filter from the News Center should be available as macro parameters.