do not include" option for cover stories.
under review
Anna Christina Schildberg
Hello, based on the suggestion of Johannes Chorzempa in ticket, I would like to add the following scenario:
Fallback / Default News
- we have news sections based on the “Location” profile field that obtains news from different spaces (for example, for the location Berlin we have a space for Berlin with news in it)
- depending on the location, a person receives the news from the specifically configured spaces displayed in a cover story macro
- Some locations include spaces that do not have their own news (these locations are, for example, Hamburg)
The desired behavior is now:
People who belong to the latter locations should be shown a kind of fallback/default news, for example the Berlin news
By now with the regex expressions we only have the following (complicated) options which are prone too errors:
- a more specific inclusion list at the Default-location-news (would have to be constantly updated when new locations without news get added, so for Berlin news we do not only set the location = Berlin, but also all the locations without news like Hamburg => Berlin OR Hamburg OR ...)
- a negative (exclusion) list (would be very long for many locations)
We will work with the first option, but maybe the feature of a fallback would be interesting for other customers, too.
Angela Gaida
W.R. Lutz I merged your new issue in here because it has the same underlying solution and if we tackle it, we will do so for all macros at once.
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
Add to the UserMacro Corporate News Feed for the Labels option, in addition to the AND restriction also an OR restriction
W.R. Lutz
If you enter the selection "Select News by" = "Spaces/Labels" under "News Source" in the UserMacro "Corporate News Feed" and specify some label(s), then only news that contains all of these labels will be displayed (AND restriction ). I would also like an OR restriction here. If one of the specified labels occurs in a message then the news should be displayed. I know that this is possible with a “Sections” definition in the “News Sections” configuration, but an administrator always has to create this.
Misha Thornburgh
This would be great! We currently maintain an "Everything but the Kitchen Sink" category for this, it's quite a pain to remember when we add new categories.
Angela Gaida
under review
Michiel Groeneveld
Angela Gaida: is there any indication when this will be implemented?
Angela Gaida
Michiel Groeneveld: I'm sorry to say that no, I can't give an estimation. I can for sure say that it won't be in the first half of 2022.
Peter Scheidt
Angela Gaida, I like the way it works in news digest, and this is exactly what I would need for news sections. Do you have anythink like this on your roadmap?
Angela Gaida
Peter Scheidt: actually we do, yes. First we'll be working on implementing this for Cover Stories and the News Feed macros; News Sections will be next. I cannot promise an exact release date as of yet, but we'll soon be starting work.
Arto Kovalainen
I have also had situations where exclude functionality would be nice
Angela Gaida
I merged the other post here, because the solution for the one will also solve the other.
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
Compact corporate news filter
possibility to filter by category/space/label
Angela Gaida
I like that one, Constance. In fact, we already tried out a completely different way to select the sources for a news feed or Cover Stories that allows what you are asking for, as well as any other combination one might think of. You can see this in action in our App Linchpin News Digest. I'm attaching a screenshot for a quite complex configuration.
We are planning to offer something like that in our news macros as well, if we receive positive feedback or constructive criticism on how to make it even more intuitive. Maybe you'd like to try it out?
You'll find the Linchpin News Digest on the Atlassian Marketplace:
And the documentation to this new way of defining news sources is here, under the headline "Deciding on content: Which news or blog posts do you want to include?"
Angela Gaida: Thank you Angela, I'd be happy to try this and glad this has already been worked on!
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