Make personal news subscriptions more flexible
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
News subscription: source from category
The "Space Category" as a source selection is for me hard to understand: you are making users create News categories, so why not keep the logic and use the News categories for subscriptions and not space categories?
Best case would be:
As a macro editor, I can choose if users can subscribe to Spaces OR News Categories OR both.
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
Subscribe to News categories
Michaela Galkin
It would be great, if users could not only subscribe to space blogs but to News categories.
Is it possible, to use the category-filter function from the News Hub also on the homepage?
Jan Priebe
We stumbled across this and just had the same wish today when we had a workshop with our news editors and communications teams. We would like to rather go for categories subscriptions than space/blog subscriptions as in the personal news feed. This has several reasons which would lead too far here :) In the best case we would like to be able to "click together" the categories on the dashboard as it is now possible on the news portal page.
Important would be that this selection is also reflected in the Linchpin App, too - and that we have a category subscription in the app as well. And in the best case we would be able to also subscribe to mail notifications or newsletters by categories. This would be such a charme to improve the news structures, which are currently quite hard to handle in our case. :)
Angela Gaida
The subscription feature was built way before the news categories ever existed. That's why subscriptions were always possible on the basis of spaces ("you subscribe to news from a space"). When this was first implemented, we had customers with loads and loads of spaces, but not all of these spaces were interesting for news. So users would have had to pick the spaces they wanted to subscribe to from among hundreds of irrelevant spaces. Not very convenient, as you can imagine.
That's why we added the space category feature: it allows to limit the offered spaces to only those that are relevant. You still can subscribe only to spaces, nothing else, but the selection is easier.
Now, subscribing to news categories instead of spaces is a whole different ball game. That's indeed a thing we have considered in the past, but haven't gotten around to due to other things having higher priority. Let's see if this issue here collects some votes :)
Angela Gaida: Great, Thank you for the history :)
Angela Gaida
Jan Hartje Subscription to news categories has been on our to do list for a while, I merged the to issues here on the board. And doubled the number of votes for it by doing so :D
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
subscription for news categories
Jan Hartje
In addition to space subscriptions, you can use news categories as a selection for the personal Newsfeed. If you select a category, you get all news in this category, no matter the Space is in your subscription or not. The selection for categories could be in an extra tab in the selection screen. (you can find an example in the attachments)
Daniel Tombs
Hi Angela. I know this is a great feature and would love to see this. Have had requests internally for this. Especially the categories