Unsplash integration for news
Peter Scheidt
As an editor, I would like have an unsplash.com integration for news teasers, just like it is already available for events.
Elke Heinrichs
I love the unsplash integration for events and i am keen to get this in news also.
Angela Gaida
Jan Priebe
Angela Gaida: Does this mean it was kicked from the roadmap? :(
Angela Gaida
Jan Priebe: It hasn't been kicked completely as in "we won't ever do it". In that case we'd have closed the ticket.
Recently we internally agreed on a certain definition for "which Canny status means what". I think this ticket was "Under Review" before. The "Under Review" status has now been defined to indicate "we intend to implement this during the next three months"; and we went through Canny and adjusted a bunch of statuses to reflect that.
With our heavy focus on performance improvements this quarter, there's no chance we can implement an Unsplash integration for the next Suite release. But it does have a fair amount of votes, so when we decide on what to do next, it will come into consideration again.
As always, I can't promise any ETA though.
Angela Gaida
By the way, a while back we asked for opinions about designs for news teaser images that are embedded in the news itself automatically. We didn't receive a lot, at least not here on Canny. If the Unsplash Integration is important to you, we'd very much appreciate any and all input over there: https://linchpin.canny.io/admin/board/linchpin-enterprise-news/p/new-layout-design-for-blogpost
Angela Gaida
under review
I'll put this item back from "planned" to "under review". We had it planned for development at one point, but we ran into issues along the way and couldn't finish it. Mainly it means that we'll have to rework the design of a news item so it contains the teaser image automatically. Only if we do that, we can comply to the terms of Unsplash for usage of their service.
And because it's not an easy feat to decide how the image should be embedded in a news item, when most of our customers use very specific, premade news layouts, we had to halt the development until these questions are decided. We still want to implement it though, I just can't give an ETA at this point in time.
Angela Gaida
That's actually on our roadmap already :)
Ciaira Castorena
Angela Gaida: This is fantastic to hear! Is there a rough timeline or estimated date for that to be available?