Compatibility with Confluence Dark Mode
in progress
Angela Gaida
Atlassian is planning to offer a dark mode or dark theme for Confluence Data Center in 2024.
It's already available as a dark feature (no pun intended :D) but there seems to be a bit more work to do.
Nevertheless, it will be coming. Will you want Linchpin to be compatible with a dark mode? After all, it will probably interfere with the corporate design that a lot of Linchpin customers want to display in their intranet.
Please vote for this issue if you want us to make Linchpin compatible with Confluence's dark mode / dark theme.
To clarify the issue a bit more:
Confluence itself will offer users a choice between a light and a dark theme. So, it's not something an admin decides for everyone, but every user chooses for themselves.
"Light theme" is the way Confluence looks now.
"Dark theme" will be a black background, and all the other elements adjusted in color so everything is still readable.
With Linchpin, we introduce a lot of elements, that as of today don't work well with a black background. I attached a few screenshots to show what I mean.
If we want to support the dark theme with Linchpin, it will be a bit of an effort to adjust all the colors when the dark mode is in use, and maybe offer admins a way to configure the Linchpin theme for Light and Dark Mode seperately.
While we are willing to do that, we'd like to get a feel for how important this issue is to you all, compared to all the other feature requests, so we can prioritize accordingly.
Ich könnte mir das gut vorstellen, sofern man dann z.B. eine Option hat das Farbschema bei Light- und Darkmode frei im Administrationsbereich einstellen zu können (so wie es für den bisherigen "Lightmode" ja schon der Fall ist).
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in progress
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under review
Ute Jordan
Wir sind an einem Dark Mode nicht interessiert. Danke für die Nachfrage, LG Ute
Ute Jordan
Ich kann mir im Moment nicht so gut vorstellen, wie das in der Praxis ausschauen würde. Könnt ihr vielleicht ein Beispiel einstellen? Das würde meine Entscheidung erleichtern. Danke.
Angela Gaida
Ute Jordan: Ich hab den Text oben etwas ergänzt und ein paar Screenshots angehängt :)