Emojis wherever you create Content
Angela Gaida
Not every Linchpin will be able to handle Emojis at all - the database it's running on has to meet certain criteria. But if it does - why not embellish your Content with Emojis? React with Emojis in your comments on news, use them in the microblog, basically wherever you want people to interact with each other.
Emojis are common in so many apps, people are used to using them.
Would you activate that feature in your Linchpin?
Angela Gaida
Merged in a post:
Use emoticons and reactions
Sarah Schmitt-Bär
Use emoticons and reactions
Jan Priebe
Could we at least have emojis back in microblogs? Currently we see a lot of :) only :(
Jan Priebe
Absolutely. I was just checking on https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1219521/reactions-for-confluence?hosting=server&tab=overview
Angela Gaida
Jan Priebe: That's really good to know, that you would like to use emojis. When we discussed this internally, some would say "no way will corporate users ever want to have emojis in their digital workplace."
If we have some more people confirm they would use them, I think it would be a small thing to implement with a big impact (and more fun to work with the product).