The theming is only adding the menu navigation, resizing the header and allows to play with the colour theme.
All of the Linchpin Intranets look similar because there are not enough flexibility and layout options.
Some example or missing layout features:
  • No header: logo placed into navigation menu bar
  • Even bigger height for the header
  • Change width of the header and pages
  • Change the global font, to upload own font
  • Round corners more/less
  • Different menu selection type (underline, triangle under element, etc)
  • Edit icons on the top right corner: remove / add icons
  • More flexible footer : remove everything / only 1 column / Confluence content or at least more possibilities (icons, images, background image, one liner, etc)
  • Possibility to manage the content of the Confluence Panel and Linchpin Panel -> add / remove elements, use Confluence content, etc.